Supplement, Herb, & Tincture Protocols

I researched these treatments specifically with (mucinous) ovarian cancer in mind, but please note that most, if not all, are showing promising results for cancer in general (and other chronic illnesses). There likely wasn’t one single thing that gave you cancer — it was a combination of events, toxins, and choices — so one single pill will also likely not “cure” your cancer. A comprehensive approach is key.


Germany has been treating many illnesses with immune-modulating or immune-stimulating substances since the 1960s. Mistletoe is the most famous and prevalent. Mistletoe was approved by the German government in 1963 to treat advanced breast cancer and is now also widely used to boost the immune system (i.e. post-surgery or to fight cancer).

Mistletoe extracts (usually via brands Iscador or Helixor, both of which are different types of mistletoe) contain various lectins and viscotoxins (including viscum fraxini-2). Evidence from in vitro experiments and animals suggests that these components have anticancer properties. The formal studies are promising, with most largely indicating a benefit for mistletoe extract in cancer patients. Iscador has been on the market the longest. A Heidelberg University study found that Iscador patients lived 40 percent longer than the control group, and with a better quality of life. Most studies performed on mistletoe in the treatment of cancer have found that it increases survival time in cancer patients. This is huge, considering it’s an herbal medicine with few side effects (and far, far fewer than chemo; it can also help with the chemo side effects and make it more effective). So far, studies have shown it to be effective in these cancers: pancreatic, ovarian, cervical, breast, liver, colon, glioma, and melanoma. I therefore deem this worthy of trying.

The challenge here is that the injections are accessible pretty much everywhere except the U.S. They are available for purchase in Canada, if you happen to live there or near. Since I live in the U.S., I would need to either get a prescription from my doctor (who doesn’t know anything about mistletoe injections, and therefore would need to receive an educational consult from another doctor, educating him on the various types and dosing protocols), order the injections from Iscador, and inject them myself OR I could find a place to go locally (usually a naturopath) who would administer the injections. I live in Los Angeles, and the nearest place I would find is 90 minutes away. Given the regularity of these injections, this becomes prohibitive unless I’m completely desperate. (Shuttling myself to all of these treatments is significantly stressful.)

Benefits of Mistletoe In Cancer Treatments

  • Improves quality of life

  • Inhibitory effect on cancer cells

  • Stimulating effect on the immune system

  • Can increase life-span: The vast majority of studies performed on mistletoe in the treatment of cancer have found that it increases survival time in cancer patients

  • Reduces side effects from conventional cancer treatments


Consult your physician. Dosing depends on individual patient characteristics, age, type of cancer and its stage of development. Most dosing is done subcutaneously.

My Protocol

I’m now armed with this info in the case of another recurrence, and in the meantime, I am using a mistletoe tincture: Hawaii Farm mistletoe. I add a dropper of it to some water 3x per day. Using that protocol, the 2 oz bottle lasted one month. I’m going to repeat it again for another 1-2 months and then cycle it into my routine for 1 month every 6 months. I know the tincture is not as effective as injections, but for the moment it is better than nothing, and it’s a small investment.  


Where To Buy Mistletoe (for injections)

USA: Uriel Pharmacy 866-642-2858

Germany: Mistletoe Pharmacy

Requires a prescription from your physician. No Rx needed for the tincture I’m using.


Many mainstream cancer websites promote ginger exclusively for help with nausea during chemo, but compelling studies indicate it can also be used to kill cancer cells and inhibit regrowth. Steamed and dried seem to be best.

Benefits of Ginger

  • Ovarian Cancer: A 2006 laboratory study at the University of Michigan indicates dried ginger selectively killed ovarian cancer cells

  • Reduces nausea during chemotherapy

  • Protects against infections

  • Helps prevent cancer growth when consumed frequently

  • Considered an effective therapy for fevers, colds, flu, circulatory issues, arthritis

My Protocol + Dosing:

100 mg capsules with at least 20% standardized gingerols 2x per day with food. I ordered Pure Mountain Botanicals organic ginger capsules, which has 1000 mg per 2 capsules (I don’t know the exact gingerol percentage of each capsule). I took 2 capsules 3x per day with meals for a month. However, since I want to be sure I’m getting the recommended 20% gingerols, I’m switching to Swanson Maximum Strength Ginger Root - it has fewer mg per capsule (200 mg per capsule), but I know it has the 20% dosing (and is only $9 per bottle). I’m planning to take 2 of these per day indefinitely. I also add Ginger People ginger juice to hot water and drink as a tea around 2x per day. Cancer Tutor recommends Bosmeric-SR, which has 20% gingerols and is sustained release. However, it’s much more expensive (around $84 per bottle, so I may switch to that brand at some point if necessary; it also contains curcumin, which I take in another supplement).

Research: Ginger and Ovarian Cancer


Capsol-T is mixture of decaffeinated green tea plus Capsicum powder marketed and sold under the trade name Capsol-T®, packaged in 350 mg gel capsules. It contains food grade decaffeinated green tea powder and food grade red pepper powder (Capsicum) in a ratio of 25:1 (green tea:Capsicum). Each capsule contains the equivalent of 16 cups of decaffeinated green tea.


  • Studies suggest it blocks ENOX2 proteins which are associated with cancer cell growth.

  • Chilis have been associated with cancer fighting properties and cancer prevention. Research indicates that Capsol-T is typically effective at fighting cancer when the cancer is at early detection stage and when there are few cancer cells present.

  • Studies suggest it blocks ENOX2 proteins which are associated with cancer cell growth.

  • Food-grade decaffeinated green tea powder (100x the energy of regular green tea)


Cancer prevention trial of a synergistic mixture of green tea concentrate plus Capsicum (CAPSOL-T)

How Capsol-T Works

My Protocol + Dosing

Dosing is very important when it comes to making Capsol-T effective. Take 1 capsule every 4 hours, including while you sleep (take the extended release option — only available on their website — while sleeping to avoid waking up all the time). That’s the equivalent of 96 cups of (decaffeinated) green tea per day, so no, having a cup of green tea is not the same. You can get the regular kind on Amazon. Capsol-T is expensive. It’s $150 per bottle for 180 of the regular capsules, and $197 for the night kit which gets you the extended release capsules and a bottle of the regular strength (this lasts you one month). I’m taking this for 3 months, then will likely cycle it back into my routine for one month every 6-12 months.


Manuka honey is a type of honey from New Zealand, made by bees that pollinate the manuka tree. It’s extremely viscous and is revered for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, with new research showing promising results with cancer: a research team at the UAE University found that manuka honey can effectively inhibit growth of cancer cells, including breast, skin, and colon cancer; and tremendously reduce the toxicity associated with chemotherapy treatment. It’s also great for wound healing, acne treatment (including acne scars), improved digestion, and effective for preventing tooth decay (counter-intuitive, I know). If you or someone you now goes to New Zealand, have them get you some. Manuka honey is heavily regulated and third-party tested in New Zealand, to qualify for export. Buyer beware: due to its incredible properties, there are tons of counterfeit products out there.

What To Buy: Kiva and Manuka Doctor are both good brands, and Covita makes lozenges. Look for high UMF ratings of over 10 or 15+ (I recommend over 20+ to kill cancer stem cells).


Berberine is a chemical found in several plants including goldenseal, Oregon grape, tree turmeric, European barberry, goldthread, and phellodendron. Berberine is commonly taken orally for diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, and it also happens to be helpful for cancer.


  • Known to suppress proliferation of specific ovarian cancer cells (SKOV3). See NIH article listed below.

  • Supports circulatory system

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Lowers cholesterol

  • Antioxidant

  • Reduces fat in liver

Berberine research and effects on ovarian cancer

BBR suppressed proliferation of SKOV3 ovarian cancer cells. BBR decreased the expression of BCL-2 and survivin while increasing the expression of BAX. BBR was demonstrated to synergize with cisplatin in inducing death of SKOV3 cells. BBR treatment resulted in restoration of the demethylation status of MutL homolog 1, colon cancer, nonpolyposis type 2 (hMLH1) promoter region and increased its expression. hMLH1 encodes a protein involved in DNA mismatch repair].

BBR has been shown to augment the effects of cisplatin in inducing cell cycle arrest in A2780 ovarian carcinoma cells. BBR inhibited miR-93 expression and increase the expression of the PTEN tumor suppressor which is a target of miR-93. miR-93 levels were higher in cisplatin resistant A2780 cells.

Effects of resveratrol, curcumin, berberine and other nutraceuticals on aging, cancer development, cancer stem cells and microRNAs, June 2017

My Protocol + Dosing

500 mg 2x per day. I take Lean Neutraceuticals.

A potentially dangerous interaction is Berberine taken with macrolide antibiotics, including antibiotics azithromycin and clarithromycin. Ask your doctor if something you’re taking may cause side effects.


Benefits In Cancer Therapy

  • Reduces nausea

  • Improves appetite

  • Reduces pain levels (a great substitute for opiates)

  • Antitumor / kills cancer cells: Even reports that scientific studies show THC and CBD slow down or cause death of certain cancer cells in lab dishes. Animal studies also indicate similar results.

  • Prevents or greatly reduces neuropathy: Even some of my mainstream oncologists are suggesting cannabis for chemo patients to help with neuropathy (one of my doctors has been so impressed with the results he now sends all his chemo patients to Dr. Frankel — see below)

Cannabis Research

  • Two decades of research by molecular biologist Dr. Christina Sanchez of Complutense University of Madrid indicates cannabis (specifically THC and CBD combined) kills cancer tumors in laboratory experiments. See some of her research here and check out a short video of her discussing the endocannabinoid system here.  


My Protocol + Dosing

My cannabis doctor is Dr. Allan Frankel of Greenbridge Medical. He’s been studying the medicinal uses of cannabis for decades and has seen some pretty remarkable results with his patients (ask him to tell you about his patient with inoperable glioblastoma who is now cancer-free after the mainstream medical system gave up and put her on hospice and she started the tinctures with Dr. Frankel). I’m not saying every person will see those kinds of results (and he would echo that), but the anti-tumor properties of cannabis (many of which are yet to be fully, formally studied) are quite promising.


Like many of his patients, I don’t enjoy the feeling of being high. So I take what’s called his “quad” formula: a sublingual spray with 1.8 mg each of CBD, CBDa, THC, THCa 3x per day (he’s big on the raw acids, CBDa and THCa); only the THC has any psychoactive effects. As you build up a tolerance, patients can increase to 3 sprays, 3x per day.  I plan to continue taking the cannabis tincture indefinitely. He also has me crumbling a bit of raw flower on my smoothies in the morning (there are no psychoactive effects until it’s heated, so I just crumble it on the top after I blend the ingredients). Dr. Frankel is located in Santa Monica, but he also does video consultations. I highly recommend him!

If you are in California and want to do your own dosing without a doctor, the Fiddler’s Greens raw tinctures are really high quality. I like them because they mix in the raw acids and are in an olive oil base (coconut or MCT oil is the usual base for cannabis tinctures, and I find them hard to digest, even in those small doses). Read more about why this “entourage effect” or “orchestral effect” is important here. Learn where to buy them here.


I’ll let you do your own research on the individual benefits of each of these, but here’s what I’m taking right now. (Note: The brands I link to are the ones I’ve researched and decided are the best available options. In most cases, I’m sure there are others out there that are also good.)

To be clear, I don’t think the average person needs to take this many supplements on a daily basis. Also, it is really important to get high quality products or you’re wasting your money. Due to my condition, I will continue many of these indefinitely, while others (like the black raspberry and Immun’Age) I’ll cycle through periodically. It’s also highly likely this list will evolve with time.

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